Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fright Night: A Halloweenie Tale

Like every other awesome blogger, I feel that it only right to share about the awesomeness that was this year's Halloween . . . Every year I struggle a little with Halloween because I long for it to be awesome while not partaking in what is considered the typical Halloween fun-ness to be had. (Really though, is any Halloween typical?) I don't really like huge crowds and don't feel that looking ridiculously trashy is a goal to obtain (other than for my man), so there goes the party route. And honestly, I don't even find dressing up to all that fun. I'm not a creative costume come-upper, so it's never spectacular. I don't mind fun pins or beads or makeup, but beyond that, eh. I also don't feel terribly motivated to go all out with the decorationness. This goes the same for Christmas. Oh sure, lights are great and pumpkins are awesome (see mine above), but anything more than this is the effort that's just out of reach. Don't get me wrong, I love those who do all out. In fact, I'm thoroughly impressed and often marvel at where said effort was mustered from. Probably the kidlets. Anywho, so coming up with my awesomeness is sort of the task each year.

This year I started out with a lovely breakfast at Elmer's. Mmmm hot cocoa and breakfast foods, yummers! And I love dining out with those people who carry great conversations so you never feel that the quietness is empty and aren't terribly compelled to leave once finished. Just sitting in the moment and smile inside and out. And it's not just pictures! A hug is worth a thousand words too!

At the Farmer's Market

Afterwards I found myself with a perfect parking spot, wandering past Dark Horse comics (love their window display!) and into the last farmer's market of the season. There's so many sights and sounds and smells at the market to partake in. The hustle and bustle of it all is tremendous, yet you never feel rushed. Passing some of the fresh vegitable stalls I often find myself wishing I knew how to cook more just so I could bring some of it home. As it was I came home with a lovely bouquet of purple and pink dahilias, ooo la la!, and some face painting magic. I couldn't help myself. I love face painting, but don't like my whole face covered. And it's fun and whimsical. Earlier that week I was at an OMSI event (more later) and missed out on an opportunity for a great face paint so this was sort of redeeming. It may not have been all that I was hoping for, but really, can you complain? Heck no! And of course, dying to be different, I didn't go with the predictable pumpkin on the cheek. I dared to be different in the name of love . . . even on Halloween.

I wear my hearts on my face too . . .

Next I went home, did some cleaning and dvr watching. I admit, my simpleness is boring and lovely. And then the puppy dog and I went on a great big walk. A) She needed it. B) I was hoping the walk would tucker her out a little so she wouldn't spazz out at the trick or treaters. And take note of Boo's festive Halloween-themed scarf in honor of the day. It had little ghosts on it! Upon our return I realized it was getting dark and my lack of cooking motivation kicked in, so under the BS disguise of "needing to move the other car so the trick-or-treaters had room to walk up the driveway", I obsconded with the vehicle for a quick getaway for cheap food. I'm horrible. I admit it. And of course, got back just in time!

This year I was feeling semi-unoriginal in my pumpkin theme for carving. Three pumpkins will do that to you. That is, until I came across SillyGirl's pumpkin carving post and though hmmm, I could do that too. I admit it, I jacked the idea. But in my original spin, and love of Nightmare Before Christmas, I went a step further and attempted to create a Sally for Jack. Not thoroughly impressed with Sally, but I love Jack! And I tried my best at the scraped pumpking, but it's not as easy as one might think. I've never done the scraped pumpkin designs because I never felt the need. So I thought, what the heck. Never again! This is not fun. Whoever says it is, is lying. If it's the only pumpkin you're carving and have lots of tools and are super ambitious, maybe. Me = no bueno. But I did it anyway :)

Trick or treaters. I love trick or treaters. Particularly the teensy ones. They are so sweet and excited. Secretly, I give more candy to the younger ones because they are cute and I know they'll cover less square footage than the older more ambitious ones. And I always buy an extra bag that I hide in case I start running out and always buy candy I like. This is a plus and a minus, depending on how good it looks to me that night, hehe. But all in all, I'd say that answering the door and watching scary movies went off quite well.

Halloween? Satisfaction achieved.

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